Yoga | Strength | Mobility

A balanced approach to bodywork.





Featured in The Telegraph UK

Featured in The Telegraph UK

Read more about Abby’s yoga teaching and the experience of Silver Island Yoga Retreats at The Telegraph UK.

"Not only is she such a pure spirit, but also everything you would want in a yoga instructor; intense yet gentle, profoundly comforting, and peaceful."

Sharon Kim | Washington D.C.

I am in awe of the human body. This interdependent ecosystem, inherently whole, is so much greater than the sum of its many parts. Our connective tissue, muscles & bones, brain & breath, are intrinsically linked; Worthy of respect and awe. In every moment, this human body is working in unison to bring itself back to homeostasis. My goal is simply to facilitate this inherent return to balance. Through this interdisciplinary approach, linking personal training, massage therapy, and yoga, I hope to help you reconnect to your inherent strength, resiliency, and grace. Thereby supporting your ability to move through the world with greater ease and peace.

Everything is connected.

  • Build the strength you need to move through life with power.

  • Release old patterns of tension to move through life with ease.

  • Unite body, mind, and breath to move through life with grace.

“We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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