Meet Abby

A life-long athlete, Abby first discovered the depth of yoga’s teachings while running D2 cross country in Tampa, FL. The practice nourished her body and brought joy to her spirit; She had to learn more. After completing her 200hr training in 2015, she began teaching as an act of service, hoping to share the gifts this practice has given to her.

Classes with Abby are a spirited reflection of her training in heated power vinyasa, yin + restorative, iRest Yoga Nidra, and trauma-informed adaptive yoga. Through teaching private sessions, group classes, retreats and teacher trainings, Abby has taught over 2,000 hours of yoga + meditation to a wide range of students. From beginners and expecting mothers, to special ops military and professional athletes, she finds great joy in creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.

Abby’s style is best described as a heartfelt, breath-centric flow, designed to calm the nervous system and listen to the body. Yoga philosophy is woven into her teaching as a reminder that this sacred practice is so much more than just physical.

Originally from Maryland, by way of Tampa, FL and Washington, D.C., Abby is grateful to now call the Big Island of Hawai’i home.

Gratitude to

Abby’s Teachers

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